AOTS Annual Spring Roundup Central Region 2014 (May 2, 3, and 4)

Central Region 2014
(May 2, 3, 4)

Jackon's Point Salvation Army Conference Centre, 
1890 Metro Road North, Jackson’s Point, ON. L0E 1L0.
(905) 722-3501

It seems as if the church today is in a fitful freefall. Through several engaging workshops that draw on story and music, Rev. Ted will challenge us to identify ways in which our faith is being refined and re-defined. We may yet discover that the church's freefall is a kind of drop-forging, into which God is inviting us to step with fear and with faith. Expect to laugh, expect to sing, expect to be challenged.

Ted Harrison was ordained in the year 2000, when he began serving churches in northern Ontario. He's since earned his Doctor of Ministry degree. He's a part of the ministry team at Trinity United Church in North Bay. Ted is deeply involved with Manitou Conference, serving as its President from 2011 through 2013. Ted has real passion for Christian worship, with a focus on relevant and dynamic preaching that draws on scripture, humour, and music. Ted is also a trained spiritual director. Ted reads a lot. He loves jogging, canoeing, cross-country skiing, and he plays cowbell in a rock band (No, really!). Unfortunately, Ted always misses meeting the varied superheroes who have led late-October worship services at Trinity. Ted has two daughters, Eve and Erin, who he thinks are exceptionally brilliant children! Ted is married to Caroline, who is a hospital physiotherapist and a part-time sermon critic.


Rev Ted Grady lives with Zaccheus who keeps him busy and offers wonderful companionship in his ministry. Zaccheus is a golden retriever pup.

Ted grew up in Islington United Church, where he worked for almost 17 years as a weekend Sexton and 9 of those years as building manager. He was ordained in May 2012 and answered a call to Knox United Church in Sutton.

He continues to pursue his passion for music playing bass guitar in a band he has been a part of for 22 years.


Heavenly Host
Chris Mogan: Piano/V ocals
Brenda McLay: Piano/V ocalsfPercussion
Marcel MacDonald: Bass/Guitar/V ocals
Darlene Laferriere: Vocals
Ted Harrison: Vocals/Harmonica/More Cow Bell
Matthew Whitehead: DrumslPrecussion
Pat O'Kane: Rhythm GuitarN ocals
Bryan Moore: Lead GuitarN ocals
Jen Hedican: Violin


Bill Clark on Drugs and Alcohol
Dave McKenney on 'Fire' Retrofitting a Church

Download the Registration Form

AOTS Annual Spring Roundup

Central Region 2012
(April 20, 21, 22)


Salvation Army Conference Centre, 1890 Metro Road North, Jackson’s Point, ON. L0E 1L0.905 722-3501

Please note the special rates this year. To meet those “too costly” objections, the money left over from previous years will be used to allow a much lower rate. Friday night, with a talk from David Wilson, the editor of the United Church Observer, is something you will enjoy and you will not want to miss this rare opportunity. David will provide some ammunition for one of Saturday’s topics.

Also on Saturday, we discuss, “Why AOTS,” and where do we go from here. Some great talent is lined up for Saturday evening, and a new music director will lead the Sunday morning choir and our sing-a-longs.

Our chaplain for the week-end is the Reverend Norman Long, a past AOTS member of George Street United in Peterborough.

Got a question....need more info? Contact the registrar, David Stephenson at 705 745- 2126 or or the treasurer, Bill Atkison at 705 743-0279 or

Download the Registration Form

Central Region Spring Round-Up

The Dates have been set for the Central Region Spring Round-Up at the Jackson’s Point Conference Centre
April 20th 21 & 22, 2012

The Bay of Quinte Conference is hosting, so if you want additional information contact Alex Jackson at 705 745-2637 or,

We are pleased to announce that David Wilson, the editor of the Observer will be our main speaker on Friday night at Jackson's Point!

David Wilson is editor of The United Church Observer. Founded in 1829, the Observer is the oldest continuously published magazine in North America and the second oldest in the English speaking world. It has won international acclaim for journalistic excellence and garnered more awards for writing than any other Canadian religious publication.

To quote David Wilson
“--we move forward in a new era and style of faith-based publishing, we are constantly mindful of the traditions into which we are anchored.”

Please check back as the registration form and program will be posted in a few weeks.

Stay tuned for more information!

AOTS Past President Takes on Toronto Southeast Presbytery Mission Developer

Jim McKibbin will take on a 2 year contract position which was the result of a Mission Strategy/East End initiative.

I am delighted to be taking on responsibilities as Mission Developer for Toronto Southeast Presbytery. The Mission Developer is assigned the task of working with congregations to facilitate, guide and support a refocusing of church work in Toronto’s East End. The effects of neighbourhood demographic change, aging congregational membership and the resulting financial impact, challenge these congregations. Within these challenges there are great opportunities to reassess work and adopt new approaches to being church in community.

As a church, social and political activist for most of my life I have a great love for the United Church and the way in which it encourages adherents to combine their spiritual practice with social justice outreach. I have just completed responsibilities as national president of AOTS (As One That Serves) and I currently serve as a commissioner to the 40th General Council. Later in 2011 I will be completing studies in preparation for accreditation as a Licensed Lay Worship Leader. I’ve enjoyed a wide ranging background in communications, sales, negotiation and facilitation. In previous lives I have acted as a senior human resources consultant with Brown Consulting Group, Communications Manager and spokesperson for Statistics Canada and the Canadian Census, Director of the Toronto Learning Annex and chairperson of the Ontario Soft Drink Workers Union.

I look forward to engaging in this work.

Thank you

Jim McKibbin, TS Mission Developer

AOTS Biennial/Roundup 2011

Weekend Program Schedule

Friday April 15
Noon- 2:00 pm Registration / Refreshments
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm National Convention
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Dinner
7:00 pm – 7:15 pm Sing-along (John Groeneveld)
7:15 – 7:30 pm Round-up Opening and welcome
7:30 pm – 8:15 pm Keynote presentation (Michael Blair)
8:15 pm – 9:00 pm Small Group Discussions on Keynote
9:00 pm Sing-along & Snack

Saturday April 16
7:45 am – 8:00 am Morning Meditation (George Bishop)
8:00 am – 9:00 am Breakfast
9:00 am – 9:15 am Sing-along (John Groeneveld)
9:15 am – 9:30 am Devotion (Reverend Estey)
9:30 am - 10:15 am 2nd Keynote Michael Blair
10:15 am – 10:45 am Refreshment Break
10:45 – 11:45 Workshops
Noon – 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm – 1:30 pm 3rd Keynote (Michael Blair)
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Regional meetings
2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Workshops
3:30 pm – 5:30 pm Refreshment Break / Free time/choir practice
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Dinner/Banquet & Installation of National Officers
7:15 pm – 7:30 pm Sing-along
7:30 pm – 8:300 pm Cruisin
9:00 pm Snack

Sunday, April 17
8:00 am – 8:15 am Morning Meditation (Bob Gardner)
8:30 – 9:00 am Breakfast (New National Council Meets over Breakfast)
9:00 am – 10:00 Business meeting
10:30 am – 11:45 Worship
12:30 – 1:30 pm Lunch and Departure

AOTS Biennial/Roundup Message from the President

Plans are moving forward for the combined AOTS Biennial/Roundup and I am delighted to report that our featured speaker, Michael Blair, will be able to join us for the entire weekend. Michael serves as Executive Minister of the Communities in Mission Unit of The United Church of Canada. He is the former Executive Director of the Toronto Christian Resource Center which is a ministry of the Toronto Southeast Presbytery serving the homeless and marginalized housed in Toronto's eastern downtown area. Previously, Michael served as a congregational minister of a number of Baptist churches in Toronto and St. Catherine’s. As a community chaplain with the Ontario Multifaith Council's Reintegration Program, he worked with individuals leaving the provincial jail system.

Harold Lorenz reports that we have received 21 registrations to date for the Biennial/Roundup. As many of you know the early bird cut-off date is March 31st so it is time to send those registrations in and plan to be with us for an exciting weekend of men’s fellowship and spiritual renewal.

An excellent workshop program is planned and our chaplain for the weekend is Brigadier David Estey (ret’d). Our Saturday evening program will feature the Cruisin Accapella Quartet and John Groeneveld will lead our sing-along’s.

All that will take place in the wonderful surroundings of the Jackson’s Point Conference Centre with the great cuisine provided by kitchen chefs. Don’t miss it!

As this is a combined national convention and biennial our agenda is packed. Please plan to be there for the National Convention where the AOTS national council will present our proposed new constitution. The l Convention begins at 2:00 pm on Friday, April 15.

Thank you all.

For More Information Check out the AOTS Biennial/Roundup Website

Get Your Registration Form
Contact the Round-up Registrar Keeling Little
Or call him at (705) 476-1126 for more information

AOTS National Biennial and Central Region Spring Roundup 2011

For more information please check out the Central Region Spring Roundup

April 15th - 17th

Conference Centre,

1890 Metro Road North,
Jackson 's Point, Ontario L0E 1L0

Get Your Registration Form

Contact the Round-up Registrar Keeling Little

Or call him at (705) 476-1126 for more information